The Games We Play

The Games We Play

A repository of reports on the Wednesday night sessions of the club and anything else related to the club or boardgaming in general, which may be of interest to anyone who may be passing by.

Monday 20 August 2007

Session Summary - 15 August 2007

Just me, Dave, Ben & his friend Matthew around this week, so Dave postponed the next episode of Corporation and we looked at what we could all do together. With a sort of role play aspect we went for Fury of Dracula (160 min.). This was one one of our unfinished efforts and I did not feel like writing a story with with no conclusion, so here is the clip notes version.

I was Dracula, while Dave, Ben & Matthew took on the hunters, with Mina, sort of rotated between the 3 of them. Having observed the starting position I started in Bari and moved up through Naples and Rome before taking a quick trip across the Tyrrhenian Sea to Cagliari to place a vampire. I hung about a bit, hiding to place a minion and then feeding to recover from the sea journey. I thought I had a reasonable chance of getting it to maturity, but somehow Ben managed to locate me with hired scouts and the plot was revealed. I set off back to sea and stayed afloat for some time to make sure it remained night time when Lord Goldalming arrived in Cagliari at the very last moment. He was able to deal with my minion (actually 2 of them because I played the relentless minion card) and unfortunately he had a stake left to deal with the vamp.

Meanwhile I had sailed up to the North Sea and in retrospect this was a move too far as I had essentially given away my position, especially as the 2 ports on the European mainland were closed (one by a hunter and the other by consecrated ground) and I was forced into Edinburgh. All 4 hunters closed in, but I was able to elude them by using double back to head back into the North Sea, landing at Amsterdam being able to keep ahead of them with the help of wolf form and heading south.

When I reached Venice, Evasion came up and I mulled over the option of heading to Spain, far away from the hunters or north to Berlin. I chose Berlin, which was a mistake as my position was soon revealed and I was on the run again into Eastern Europe, which was where we called it a day. Only 2 game days had passed, although this was I think due to the relatively long time I spent at sea.

Until Wednesday

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