The Games We Play

The Games We Play

A repository of reports on the Wednesday night sessions of the club and anything else related to the club or boardgaming in general, which may be of interest to anyone who may be passing by.

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Games Played 24 September 2014

14 this week, split over 4 tables playing Power Grid, Lords of Waterdeep, Macao, San Juan, Suburbia and Coal Baron (for the first time). Also in that list was a game listed as Santiago, which I have listed as Santiago de Cuba, which has been played a few times recently, but it has occurred to me that it might actually be Santiago which is a game in its own right, perhaps someone could confirm for me which is correct. A little more info on games played follows.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Games Day 2 - 20 September 2014

On Saturday, we held our second Games Day, following the first held back in April. 18 people attended for some or the whole day and a total of 22 games were played. The total number of people is down on the previous figure but the number of games played is actually up, I think due to the number of short fillers played in between the longer games. Dave C took a few photographs throughout the day and has said he'll pass them on, so I hope to add them to this post if they fit in with what I've written. For more details of events read on.

Friday 19 September 2014

Games Played 17 September 2014

Just 11 this week, games played being Suburbia, St. Petersburg, Hanabi & Relic (for the first time).

Sunday 14 September 2014

Games Played 3,10 September 2014

OK, time for a quick update on the last couple of weeks. On 3 September, we had 13 in attendance and played 3 games these being, Concordia, Power Grid and Dead of Winter. The following week also 13, this time with 7 games played, Power Grid, San Juan, El Grande, Trajan, Carcassonne, Love Letter and Hanabi (for the first time). Read on for a few more details and the results.